Project: Wattlesborough Hall


Client: Private

Pleydell Smithyman Limited were brought on to the planning team for this single small scale wind turbine for their expertise in Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. Plans of the Zone of Theoretical Visual Impact were produced to help objectively define the magnitude of visual impact of the proposed scheme on its surroundings by linking potential impact to the vertical angle subtended at the viewpoint by the top and bottom extremities of the wind turbine.  A concise Landscape and Visual Impact assessment was produced to satisfy planners and residents of the limited impact of the proposed turbine.

Photomontages of the proposed turbine were also collated; these are an accurately scaled impression of the turbine set within the local landscape.  Photomontages are produced using specialised DTM software which allows scaled 3D visualisations to be exported to match the viewing distance and focal length of the human eye.